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Professional Spotlight

Bahar Sedarati, MD
Bahar Sedarati, MD
Internal Medicine
Laguna Woods, CA - USA
bullet Completed Internal Medicine Internship and Residency at Yale University affiliated St. Mary's Hospital in Connecticut in 2008
bullet Honored by the Regional and National sections of the American College of Physicians (ACP) in 2005 & 2006


Bio Curriculum Vitae  
"In just a few short months I have lost 24 pounds"
I was initially skeptical when I was introduced to the YOR Health Products because of my background. I therefore analyzed each ingredient and was very impressed. From there I began the product regimen myself and selected several of my patients to try the products as well. In just a few short months I have lost 24 pounds and my blood lipid profile has never been better. Several of my patients have experienced similar results.