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Athletic Advisory Board

Ben Handsaker
Athletic Advisor
  • 1st Place - Model Australia
  • 2nd Place - Musclemania Australia Competition - Physique Category
Daniel Jacobs
Athletic Advisor
  • North American Boxing Organization (NABO) Middleweight Boxing Champ
  • Winner of 4 NY Golden Glove Championships
Jerome Le Banner
Athletic Advisor
  • 2011 I.S.K.A. World Super Heavyweight Kickboxing Champion
  • 2010 W.P.M.F. World Super Heavyweight Muaythai Champion
Hattie Boydle
Athletic Advisor
  • 2014 WBFF Pro
  • 2013 Miss Bikini Universe & MuscleMania Model Champion
Kim Hairston
Athletic Advisor
  • IFBB Professional Bodybuilder (International Federation of BodyBuilders)
  • Top 10 Arnold Classic/Ms. International 2006
Sid Taberlay
Athletic Advisor
  • 5x National Champion and World Champion Professional Mountain Biker
  • Athens Olympian
The athletes pictured above are dedicated YOR Health product users that have either received no monetary compensation, have received monetary compensation for their time investment, or have received complimentary YOR Health products.