Lifelong Fitness and Fulfillment. Broadman Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1980.
Building God's Temple. Burgess Publishers, Minneapolis, MN, 1982.
Happiness is Being a Physically Fit Christian. Broadman Publishers, Nashville, TN., 1984.
Building God's Temple, 2nd Edition. Burgess Publishers, 1984.
Ministerial Wellness, Broadman Publishers, 1988.
Nutrition For God's Temple. Mellon Press, New York, 1993.
Play Golf Effectively. West Publishers, Phoenix Arizona, 1993.
Nutrition for God's Temple, 2nd Edition. Broadman Pub, 1994.
Living Longer: The Magic of Enzymes. Serendipity Publishers, Houston, Texas, 1996.
Fit To Serve Him Longer and Better. Lifeway Books, Nash, TN.,1997.
The Happy Cell. Serendipity Publishers, Houston, Texas, 2002.
Nutrition for the Happy Cell. Serendipity Publishers, Houston, Texas, 2002.
Articles (A representative sample of over 100 articles published)
"How to Become a Whole Person." Church Rec. Mag, Aug., 1982.
"Recreation for the Handicapped Person." Church Rec. Mag., Aug., 1981.
"Biblical Prescriptions for a Healthy Life." Church Rec. Mag., March, 1980.
"Commonly Asked Questions about Exercising." Mature Living, Aug., 1982.
"Commonly Asked Questions about Dieting and Weight." Mature Living, Dec., 1982.
"Kinesiological Approach to Pitching." Texas Coach, March, 1976.
"Weight Training Exercises for Baseball Players." Texas Coach, Sept., 1975.
Conducted physical fitness workshops at over 300 churches.
Conducted and designed physical fitness programs for several police and fire departments.
Spoke at several civic and social clubs throughout the U.S. concerning the need for wellness.
Spoke at numerous weight loss seminars about nutrition and stress management.
Spoke at several seminars concerning enzymes and their relationship to health.
Spoke at several Texas Region Education Centers.
Spoke as a Staley Christian Scholar to many Universities
Other Interests
Former exercise physiology consultant for the U.S. Olympic Team.
Former member of President's Commission on Physical Fitness and Sports.
Former Texas senior amateur golf champion.
Former professional baseball player for Chicago Cubs.
Deacon at Columbus Avenue Baptist Church, Waco, Texas.
Jogging and Golf.