A Life Time Dream
It’s been 13 years that I have been struggling with my weight and my appearance. At the age of 14 my self esteem took a big blow when I started high school. My confidence disappeared and I thought I was never going to get it back. I went through heavy depression and always wondered where my life was going and how things would turn out to be. I was a complete loner and barely had any friends because I never seem to fit anywhere so I closed myself off. I always thought I was being judged by the way I looked, but I didn’t know what to do about it. And did I try everything, you can bet I did. I even went through a time that I thought that not eating would solve everything. But was I wrong because the feeling was terrible and all the weight would always come flying back.
I thought I was never going to find a solution until I heard about the products we were launching with YOR Heath. I went into a thrill of excitement because I knew that this was what I was waiting for. I am crazy excited about the opportunity and everything that can be gained with YOR Heath, but nothing beats the feeling that I get every day when I take my products. It’s a feeling that lets me know that everything is going to be better. A feeling that now lets me look in the mirror and not hate the person I see in it. And trust me, when it came to avoiding a mirror, I was an expert at it.
I received my products on May 10th of this year and now that I have been using them. I can very proudly say that I have lost 19 pounds and will keep going down thanks to how easy and helpful the products are. It was very easy; all I do is replace my breakfast with an MRP and take my Complete burn with my vitamins, eat a light lunch with a CompleteBurn (avoiding outside foods), snack on small things like an apple, grapes, a yogurt or anything like that. I’m being more mindful of how many calories I intake a day. Then replace my dinner with an MRP take a CompleteBurn, and my vitamins. For me it has been simple and easy.
My mood is amazingly good. My energy level is great and I don’t feel tired like I used to every day when I didn’t want to get out of bed or do anything. And the best part of all is that again I FEEL GREAT. Now I smile a little more and, even though physically the changes can not be seen yet, the inside of me feels lot more confident and exited about life. And the greatest thing is that I have amazing friends that support and help me. Now I can look in the mirror and not hate my reflection, but instead see that I am a beautiful person.
- Kiodermi Mieses, Bronx, NY - US