Pursuing My Passion!
For the past nine years I have suffered from swelling in my knees which caused me a lot of pain. The pain would come and go for days at a time, being so bad that it would sometimes keep me awake at night. I constantly asked my doctors what was wrong and if they could fix it and they couldn't give me a reason for my pain or a way to help it. The most frustrating part of it was that the pain would severely hinder one of my main life passions, running.
Each time before I went running, I would take about four to six tablets of different over the counter pain medications, just to make the pain bearable while running. I didn't care about the long term damage that could happen to my body by doing that, I just wanted that quick, semi-relief from the pain. Then, when I started taking the YOR Repair in September, I noticed relief in my knees almost immediately. I started with three capsules three times a day, then, after a little over two months, I digressed to two capsules twice a day, then taking two more capsules before I go running. YOR Health has provided me with a simple regimen to follow that has helped my knee pain greatly digress and given me the ability to pursue my passion of running with full force! Thank you YOR Health!
- Katie Bothe, Mason, Ohio - US