My Lower Back is Back!!!
Most of my life, I was always an active person and I was always into sports. When I turned 17 I got into working out. I got into heavy body training for 3 years. After 3 years, I had no time to work out because I had to work most of the time and I would feel very tired afterwards.
This year, for 2009, I made my New Years Resolution - to get back in shape and be consistent. On Sunday morning on January 18, 2009, I was at the gym and performing my exercise routine. One of the exercises is called “the dead lift”; I haven't done it for a while. I ended up lifting 225 lbs. with a work-out belt and as a result I pulled my lower back. It was extremely painful, imagine lifting up a heavy box and you feel all that pressure down to your lower spine. YEAH, it's pretty painful.
This wasn't the first time I hurt my lower back, back in the day when I used to played handball, I suffered the same pain and it end up healing up in like 2-3 weeks.
I remember when I went to the YOR Health event in Las Vegas and heard Tim Brown's story and how he “loaded up” on the YOR Repair and is able to live a normal life after the game of football. I gave it a try and I took like 12 capsules when I got home. After that day took 6 in the morning, 6 in the afternoon, and 6 before I went to bed. As few days went by, I felt my back improving. I did that for 6 days and felt completely no pain. I feel very excited. Because of YOR Health, I don't have to suffer this pain for 2-3 weeks; with the YOR Repair, I feel better in 6 days. Thanks YOR Health!!!
- John Zhong, Brooklyn, NY - US