The holiday season is a great time for charitable giving, since prosperity rejoices and want is keenly felt. Right now, YOR Health is supporting the DSA's 10th year as a sponsor for the
TODAY Show Annual Holiday Gift Drive, a trustworthy charity that helps many families.
You help others everyday by bettering their lives with premium YOR Health products. We encourage you to continue to demonstrate your generosity by contributing whatever you can to this special event - no donation is too small. All will be noticed and appreciated. Your funds and donations positively impact the lives of impoverished families. When you participate in this program, you also set an example of YOR Health professionals choosing to do good in the world.
YOR Health promises to help this charity by
MATCHING whatever contributions you donate. Every family needs positive expressions of support that lift them up, especially during times of stress and poverty. Thank you for giving and Sharing Happiness!
Start Sharing Happiness today by placing your monetary donation through the
YOR Health Store by October 31, 2013.