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July Photo-A-Day Challenge

Weather is getting warmer, achievers are slimming and sculpting and the Photo-a-day Challenge is at it again! If you played with us last month, welcome back! If this is your first time and want to join it’s simple, easy and fun =). Just follow the rules below and start capturing the brighter side of our everyday lives.
YOR Health Photo A Day July
Challenge rules:
  • Each day, take a photo using the description with corresponding date
  • Post it to Instagram with the hashtag:


  • Please do not post anyone else’s photos
  • Be creative
  • Smile and HAVE FUN!!!
We’ll choose our favorite photos and continue to share them on our Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr & Pinterest profiles. Our favorites will appear in the next issue of YOR Success magazine! =)

*By participating you authorize YOR Health to reuse your photos as we see fit without any further compensation.
YOR Health