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When We Are Blessed!
Three years ago I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I was pregnant. Once I found out I was pregnant I tried to do exactly what the doctors told me to do. I followed all their instructions to the tee. I slept, ate, and even gained weight the way they wanted me to, but almost five months into the pregnancy I lost the baby. This was the most difficult experience that I had ever been through.

In the past I had always been thin and balancing my weight had never been a challenge. But for some reason after loosing the baby, my body was different. I tried everything to lose the 30 pounds; extreme diets, exercise, beach volleyball, all different types of supplements, I even had a personal friend cooking and proportioning my meals for me. Nothing worked.

Losing the baby had done something to me. I remember telling my mom I felt so let down because I had gained all this weight and I still had nothing to show for it. The weight was still there, but no baby. After about a year I just gave up. I stopped working out, playing volleyball, and eating healthy, and I just sank.

Of course I did not share any of this with anyone. I went through life for two whole years pretending that I was fine and that my life was great. But, the pretending became exhausting. Soon it took everything in my power to just make it through my work day. I had no extra energy for anything. All I wanted to do was sleep.

About a year ago my husband sent me an e-mail. In the e-mail there was a link to a depression test. As I read each question I was slowly brought back to reality. I was depressed and I needed help.

It was right about that same time that YOR Health launched their supplements. In June I started taking the MRP, CompleteBurn, and the Essential Vitamin. After the first week, I lost 6 pounds, after the first month I had lost a total of 17 pounds. It was inspiring. By the end of August I was almost the same weight I had been when I played collegiate volleyball. I went from 180 pounds, a size 12 to 150 pounds, a size 6. Only five more pounds and I would reach my goal of 145 pounds.

When I began work in September people were stopping me left and right asking me what I had been doing, telling me how great I looked, and asking how I lost the weight. It felt great. Then in mid-September I learned that I was pregnant again. I felt like everything was coming together. I did not have to change much this time because I was already taking vitamins and I was eating right. Pretty much all I needed to do was attend my monthly doctor visits and everything would be fine. Unfortunately going into my third month I learned that the baby’s heart had stopped beating.

Because of what had happened before I immediately made my mind up that I did not want to go back there. So I restarted my Autoship and began taking the supplements again to work off the 20 pounds that I had gained. It was right after my second miscarriage when I heard about the YOR Best Body Challenge. I decided that this was exactly what I needed to make sure I did not fall back into depression. So on January 15th I uploaded my pictures and made a plan. This time I decided I was going to see what the products, combined with diet and exercise would do. I was consistently riding my bike and weight lifting up until mid-March. Around that time my energy dropped and I started to gain weight again and I was not sure why. But, on March 16th I learned why, I was pregnant again.

Because my energy was extremely down during this pregnancy my workouts had to stop. Fortunately though my doctor did approve me to continue taking all of the YOR Health supplements, everything except the CompleteBurn. So I went back on my pregnancy diet, continued taking the supplements and began packing on the 20 pounds I had just worked off. Two months into this pregnancy I had another miscarriage. That happened in the beginning of May.

So from May until now I have been taking all of the YOR Health supplements and riding my bike when I get a chance. I also just started playing beach volleyball again, and although I might not have reach my goal of 145 pounds by the end of the contest I am on my way and I know with the YOR Health supplements I will be able to do it. How do I know this? Because in the last year I have been able to lose a total of 60 pounds all, because of YOR Health supplements!
- Ellen Palmer, Chino Hills, CA - US
*The testimonials contained on this website and any other publication or printed materials are provided by customers who have used at least one YOR Health product. Please be advised that the testimonials contained on this website and any other publication or printed materials reflect only the experiences of the customer who has provided the testimonial. YOR Health does not make any claim that such experiences are typical or are indicative of future performance or success of using one of their products.

The above individual’s results may not be typical. As of July 2024, those who completed 8 weeks in the weight loss category of YOR Best Body lost an average of 13.92 lb (6.31 kg), or 1.74 lb (0.78 kg) per week. When replacing 2 out of 5 mini-meals per day with a meal replacement shake, the average person should expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. As with any reduced-calorie diet, the amount of weight you'll lose will depend on the number of calories you consume in proportion to your weight. Optimal results are achieved when following the product regimen in combination with a healthy diet and exercise program.

Individual results may vary. Factors that may affect your results include (but are not limited to) your metabolism, exercise routine, diet, smoking, pregnancy, current medications and any medical conditions. As with any health or fitness program, regular exercise and a sensible eating plan are essential to achieve long-term weight loss results. No customer was paid for a testimonial.